Monday, January 10, 2011

Racecourse Beach & Burrel Lake - Ulladulla

Beach fishing is quite easy & enjoyable!

Spent a week over news years down on the coast with Prue and a couple of other people. Managed to do a little bit of fishing while we were down there and had a good amount of success. Originally we supposed to be staying at Batemans Bay and I had lined up a fishin trip with local gun fisho James Bunn, a good friend of one of my work collegues. Unfortunatly there was a mix up in communication and it turned out we were staying in Ulladulla.

The first session I had was out at Burral Lake just up from where the channel flows out to the ocean. I mangaed to hook up on a few flatties for the afternoon, there wasn't much size to the fish but it was enjoyable all the same. That evening we decided we would go and have a little picnic down on Racecourse Beach, the local tackle shop owner had garenteed me a Salmon off the beach. I was happy with that!!
A nice Australian Salmon off the beach.
Set up on the beach with a full pilchard running off a star sinker. Ended up getting onto a couple of fish again and one of them was a good size and gave a very good account of itself.
Had another session at a different locatio on Burrel Lake and again got into a heap of Flatties. At one point I wias fishing over a weed bed in about 5' - 1' of water and as I was running the plastic accros the surface a biggish flattie came up and smashed it - very cool surface strike!

After finishing up at Ulladulla we decided to spend one night at Batemans Bay, I managed one 3 hour session fishing the flats and channell near the bridge as the tide was coming in and got into a heap of flatties again.
Overall it was a good holiday, I didn't actually do that much fishing, but it was great to get into a few when I did!

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