With Old Man Creek firing so well over the previous month I felt no need to head off to any other fishery. I had been tempted to head up to Jindabyne to fish the mouth of the Thredbo river, because quite a few reports were implying that it was fishing very well for lure and fly fisherman. But the success I had been having out at the creek persuaded me to stayand chase the natives... after all Australia day was approaching, and it would be un-Australian to chase anything else. ha.
I probably had about 8 trips out to the creek over this time, most of them very early morning with only a couple or afternoon sessions. With the amount of fishing pressure at the weir it was no surprise that catch rates were decreasing considerably.
I figured that with so many lures running through that area the fish were becoming shy or shutting down as soon as a few lures rolled through each day. It seemed that each night thier confidence would grow and they would feed until the lures started the next day. After a few very early morning sessions I found that my first 20-50 casts would produce fish, generally 1-3 fish and then things would shutdown. The trick was to get there early and you would get a fish or two before they caught wind of the lures. This worked for me every time, to the point where I organised an early session with Kanck to video the first couple of casts in order to really prove my theory. In my stupidity the night before I forgot to charge the battery and after the second cast I turned the video off.... third cast he was on to a nice Trout Cod. This was the only fish for the morning and I was satisfying to be able to predict what was going to happen.
The morning sessions were much more productive than evening sessions, with only a few small fish to show from both of the evening sessions. However in saying that there was one moment during an afternoon session that I will never forget, it would have been my 500th cast of the afternoon, I was on a doughnut and all of a sudden BAAMMM my lure was absolutly anhilated by what must have been a massive fish, it was all over in about 2.5 seconds because the brute managed to straighten two hooks on an Owner treble. I'm still not sure whether i'm bitterly disappointed for not landing it or happy to know that he's in there...... Nah... i'm bitterly disappointed, haha.
With Blowering and Burrinjuck full at the moment, they must have decided to release some more water which caused the Creek to rise nearly 1.8m in three days. This made it very dirty and shut the fishing down somewhat. On the flipside to the hard fishing, I did manage to land a very small Silver Perch in this murky water. Up until that point I was a Silver Perch virgin so it was nice to get that species on the board.
Photos will be posted over the next couple of days.